August 28, 2013 9:00 AM by Roy |
Cryptically speakingOn Monday, we started running EyeCon puzzles on Facebook and Pinterest. On Tuesday, we started a second new puzzle type -- cryptic clue puzzles. If you already solve cryptic crosswords, you know what they are. These are individual cryptic clues that you can solve on their own. If you don't solve cryptic crosswords, you're missing out. It's our hope that this gentle introduction will pique your interest. We've got a great guide to solving cryptic crosswords built into the Puzzazz app, written by Puzzazz Founder Roy Leban and puzzle guru Mike Selinker. We've also released it the guide for free on our web site. Check it out. Here's the first Cryptic Clue puzzle on Facebook and on Pinterest. We hope you enjoy them all. Add your comments, like them if you've figured them out, challenge your friends by sharing them, and let us know what you think. We'll be posting the EyeCon and Cryptic Clue puzzles and more to come on both our Facebook page and our Pinterest boards. Like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Pinterest so you don't miss any.